Recent posts

Typesort descending Title Author Replies Last Post
Story House Dems propose smaller K12 increase, bigger equity payment, for FY08 Steven Norton 4/5/2007
Story Speak out now to stop late cuts this year! Steven Norton 1 4/8/2007
Story What's next? Budget struggle moves to the House Steven Norton 3/26/2007
Story How much was that deficit again? Steven Norton 3/25/2007
Story Budget negotiaions collapse; Senate rams through alternative Steven Norton 3/23/2007
Story Budget talks continue behind closed doors; income tax looked at Steven Norton 3/22/2007
Story Budget talks begin in earnest Steven Norton 3/21/2007
Story Few facts available about budget talks Steven Norton 3/14/2007
Story Pensions and health care in the spotlight Steven Norton 3/13/2007
Story What's up with school funding? Steven Norton 2/26/2007
Story Sinking fund bill moves Steven Norton 3/20/2009
Story Got art? Got foreign language? For how long? Steven Norton 1 7/4/2012
Story Testimony on virtual ("cyber") charter bill - SB 619, 1-18-12 Steven Norton 1/18/2012
Story Getting clear about "profit" in our public schools Steven Norton 12/5/2011
Story Plus ça change.... Steven Norton 12/11/2011
Story Testimony on "uncapping charters" bill 11-2-11 Steven Norton 11/17/2011
Story Action alert: charter school bill goes to Senate floor Steven Norton 10/5/2011
Story Action alert: "school choice," teacher privatization bill moves Steven Norton 9/28/2011
Story Testimony on "School choice" package to Senate Education Committee, 9-20-11 Steven Norton 9/21/2011
Story Legislative alert: "charter school package" could dramatically undermine our schools Steven Norton 9/7/2011
Story Achievement: Right answers, or right questions? Steven Norton 9/6/2011
Story Historical Amnesia: Schools don't need that money, do they? Steven Norton 8/4/2011
Story Close look: Teacher evaluation provisions Steven Norton 7/26/2011
Story Remarks at Legislative Rountable in Ann Arbor, May 2011 Steven Norton 7/20/2011
Story A surplus for schools? Don't hold your breath Steven Norton 2/6/2012
