Story |
Deal on MPSERS restructuring? |
Steven Norton |
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Legislative hearings and testimony available for viewing |
Steven Norton |
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Lead poisoning: an "out-of-school" factor in student achievement |
Steven Norton |
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Schools are hurting - we need to help |
Steven Norton |
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Eleven percent increase for schools since 2009-10? Not so much. |
Steven Norton |
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What do we want from our schools? |
Steven Norton |
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Testimony on EAA legislation (Round 2) |
Steven Norton |
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How to help struggling schools: Do you believe in magic? |
Steven Norton |
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Destory public ed as we know it? "That's accurate." |
Steven Norton |
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Testimony on EAA legislation (Round 1) |
Steven Norton |
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Alert Flash: Your voices are being heard on EAA bill |
Steven Norton |
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Action alert: Don't let them take the public out of public ed! |
Steven Norton |
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Education is not like toothpaste |
Steven Norton |
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Exchange with MAPSA over charter school segregation |
Steven Norton |
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Death watch for our public schools? |
Steven Norton |
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Testimony on "uncapping charters" bill 11-2-11 |
Steven Norton |
Issue reference |
Does Class Size Matter? |
Steven Norton |
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Update: charter school transparency bills die as GOP boycott ends House session |
Steven Norton |
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Legislative update: Snyder budget gives schools a bump; school letter grading rides again |
Steven Norton |
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Letter from Oakland: reflections on NPE 2017 |
Steven Norton |
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Action alert: MI Senate voting on concealed guns in schools, daycares, churches |
Steven Norton |
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Letter to Senate: stop the "guns in schools" bills |
Steven Norton |
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Legislative update: our letter on bill to eliminate State Board of Ed |
Steven Norton |
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Bill brief: They're Baaaaaaack... |
MIPFS Staff |
Story |
Back-door vouchers for the well-heeled? |
Steven Norton |