Recent posts

Type Title Authorsort descending Replies Last Post
Story We need to start telling OUR story Steven Norton 11/20/2014
Event House Appropriations - FY07 supplementals (revised agenda: incl. school aid) Steven Norton 4/17/2007
Story Facing a clouded future: options Steven Norton 2 4/13/2010
Page Legislative hearings and testimony available for viewing Steven Norton 3/9/2013
Story Message to Senate Education on replacing State Reform Office law Steven Norton 2/15/2017
Story Budget talks begin in earnest Steven Norton 3/21/2007
Story Sinking fund bill passes House Steven Norton 3/26/2009
Story MIPFS Legislative Update - Budget issue (May 2012) Steven Norton 5/25/2012
Page Parents' vision for Michigan schools Steven Norton 1/26/2015
Category State budget & taxes Steven Norton 4/19/2007
Story Money, Money, Money: K-12 budget bills move to conference Steven Norton 1 5/18/2011
Story Who has "fact issues"? Steven Norton 6/15/2013
Story Governor's February 2007 budget proposal Steven Norton 1 2/13/2007
Story Revenue Conference: School aid deficit $150 million larger than predicted Steven Norton 5/19/2007
Story Legislative alert: "charter school package" could dramatically undermine our schools Steven Norton 9/7/2011
Story Action Alert: Senate Appropriations cuts schools $174 million and guts early childhood programs Steven Norton 6/20/2009
Story Testimony on EAA legislation (Round 2) Steven Norton 12/16/2012
Story DPS restructuring plans: Darn the people, full speed ahead! Steven Norton 3/7/2016
Story Action alert: MI Senate voting on concealed guns in schools, daycares, churches Steven Norton 11/8/2017
Story Déjà Vu. Again. Steven Norton 6/13/2022
Story Senate GOP leader wants to avoid mid-year cuts Steven Norton 2/23/2007
Story Back to our regular impasse Steven Norton 6/24/2008
Story By the numbers: the Snyder education budget Steven Norton 4/7/2012
Story Our story, Part II: Michigan's new "DEW" line Steven Norton 12/2/2014
Category Technical Steven Norton 4/19/2007
