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Alert! School funding crisis needs solution now!

Take action now!

Make your voices heard! The school funding situation is at a critical juncture. State officials have just finished their review of expected tax collections. They found that revenues earmarked for schools will come in even lower than expected in January -- $153 million lower than the earlier estimates that were already revised downward. That means a total shortfall of as much as $560 million for this year and cuts to districts of $116 per pupil right at the end of the year unless new money is found.

Tell your lawmakers that we need to fix school funding and invest in our schools. Let them know that you are willing to use your tax dollars to help support vibrant and efficient public schools, especially in these difficult times.

The Legislature passed and Governor Granholm signed a package of modest cuts and some large one-time accounting fixes that covered $347 million of the original $407 million deficit. There's now $213 million left to go. The law requires that the cuts be made unless we agree to find new funding for schools. And the prospect for school funding next year is looking bleak.

What can I do?

1) Write your lawmakers

Tell your lawmakers how you feel about what's happening to school funding. Some ideas: * Now that Michigan's economy is in trouble, this is the worst time to be pulling the props out from under our public schools. * We need to be making investments in our schools, to attract jobs now and to build the future we want for our state. * Huge cuts right at the end of the school year will hurt all schools and be devastating to many districts around the state. * As citizens and parents, we're willing to do our part and make financial sacrifices to support our schools, if we know that the money will be used effectively. * We know that it will cost us something to fix the problem, but it pales compared to the cost of doing nothing and letting our schools decline. Visit our legislative action center to contact your state Representative and Senator, and even send an email to both of them and the Governor with one click!

2) Join our website and sign up for our email list

If you haven't already, create an account on the MIPFS web site here: http://www.miparentsforschools.org/?q=user/register You can sign up for updates of new content on our site, and you can join our email list. We're trying to get parents across Michigan informed, involved and organized so that we can be a constructive force for supporting our public schools.

3) Get involved locally

Get involved in your local schools, talk with teachers and administrators, and help find ways to work together to deal with this crisis. Talk to your neighbors about what's happening and what is at stake. Tell everyone about this web site and what we are trying to achieve here! Encourage other parents to make their voices heard as well - in Lansing as well as in your home town.

Together, we can make a difference!



I know that the ann arbor meeting has been posted, but there is also a meeting tonight for Whitmore Lake Schools at the High Scool auditorium. There will be child care available in the 2nd floor multipurpose room so there is no excuse for people not to attend. This is a Town Hall format and the last chance before the school board possibly votes on the budget next Monday night.


Our district superintendent here in Monroe has proposed the following schedule to contact our legislators in Lansing this week:

"We are asking that during the week of May 21 - May 25, that we
target certain days to have various, interested groups calling
legislators in Lansing.

Monday, May 21 Superintendents
Tuesday, May 22 Board Members
Wednesday, May 23 Parents/PTA members
Thursday, May 24 School Employees
Friday, May 25 Community Groups/Community Members/City

Why don't you all join on with us in this effort? Please pass it on! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!


This is a reminder to contact your legislator on Wed., May 23, to voice your opinion on school funding. Contact info is available via this website. We are trying to get as many parents from as many school districts as possible to contact their legislators on that day. Please take a moment out of your busy day to do this small task. Thank you.

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