House Approps. Subcmte. on Supplementals - FY07 supplementals (incl. school aid?)
Tue, 10 Apr 2007 — MI Parents for ...
Subcommittee Meeting
Supplementals of the Standing Committee on Appropriations, Rep. George Cushingberry Jr., Chair
Date: 04/17/2007
Time: 12:45 PM
Place: Room 352, House Appropriations, 3rd Floor, State Capitol
* FY 2006-07 Supplementals
* Any or all business properly before the subcommittees
To view text of legislation go to
Individuals who wish to bring written testimony need to supply a minimum of thirty copies for distribution.
Individuals needing special accommodations to participate in the meeting may contact the Chair's office.
SUPPLEMENTALS Committee Clerk: Al Valenzio
Phone: 517-373-8080