House Approps. Subcmte. on School Aid - FY08 school aid budget

The House Appropriations subcommittee on School Aid and Education is holding hearings on bills that contain the Governor's proposal for the fiscal 2008 budgets for School Aid and the Dept. of Education. The school aid bill, HB 4359, includes a $178 per pupil increase in the foundation allowance and makes permanent the $23 equity payment that low-spending districts received last year.

Subcommittee Meeting
School Aid and Education of the Standing Committee on Appropriations, Rep. Matthew Gillard, Chair
Date: 04/04/2007
Time: 9:00 AM
Place: 426 State Capitol Building

HB 4346 Department of Education Budget
HB 4359 School Aid Budget

To view text of legislation go to

Individuals who wish to bring written testimony need to supply a minimum of thirty copies for distribution.
Individuals needing special accommodations to participate in the meeting may contact the Chair's office.

SCHOOL AID AND EDUCATION Committee Clerk: Mary Ann Cleary
Phone: 517-373-8080



Thanks for the info. I am "spreading the word" in Monroe. Unfortunately, I will be leaving that morning for a week out of state. I am hoping that others from Monroe might be able to travel to Lansing to attend the meeting. I offered to coordinate plans with you for them, if they so desire. Will let you know what I hear back. Also forwarded to friends/family in other Michigan communities (e.g., Chelsea, Ypsilanti, Lansing, Whitehall).