House vote near on uncapping cyber chartersStop SB 619 and put kids ahead of profits!Dear Friends,You've heard from us about "cyber" charters before, but you may not know where things stand today. Senate bill 619 would remove nearly all limits on the size of entirely online "cyber" charter schools in Michigan. Fully online K-12 charter schools have only been in operation here for a year and a half, and the jury is still out on their performance. The experience of other
states, which have had online charters for longer, is not promising. (See sidebar.)On top of that, these schools currently receive the same per-pupil funding as other, physical, public schools, even though their expenses are much lower. The major operators of these schools are private, for-profit, companies whose first priority is to their investors.Why should we turn our children into a business opportunity?Current Michigan law calls for a progress report on the two experimental cyber schools at the end of this year. The report will analyze both their performance and detail their true expenses. This approach is sensible and fiscally
prudent. Why toss it all aside?Take action now to put the brakes on this bill! Contact your State Representative today!To call your Representative, click here.To send a message to your Representative, click here.When it emerged from committee, proponents made some changes that they described as compromises: the bill would keep some limits on the number of online charter schools and how many students they can enroll.
But guess what? The limit would eventually go up to 30 schools (from the current 2), and each one would be "limited" to about 33,000 students! This is a limit? No, and it's not a compromise, either. Read our coverage of the bill here. Cyber school proponents argue that many families want access to these schools. Perhaps, but it can't be because of their track record, because they don't have one in Michigan and the stories from other states are hair-raising. How, precisely, do you do online kindergarten? How do you ensure kids are making progress? Since these cyber charters require "learning coaches" at home for students, who do
most of the actual teaching, why should the online company pocket the entire state funding?Sure, online learning is here to stay, and "blended" programs offered by our established local public schools can meet the needs of many students who would have difficulty taking traditional classes. Why pull resources away from our proven, and community-governed, local public schools just to pad the bottom line of the latest fad growth stock?Please contact your State Representative today and ask them to shut down SB619! Let's focus on making sure our local schools have what they need to do right by our
children!Steven NortonExecutive DirectorMichigan Parents for Schools |